black stallion 意味

発音を聞く:   black stallionの例文
  • {映画} : 《The ~》ワイルド?ブラック/少年の黒い馬◆米1979


        stallion:    stallion 種馬 たねうま
        stallion at stud:    種馬{たねうま}
        stallion service contract:    種付け{たねつけ}サービス契約{けいやく}
        as black as a:     (as) bláck as a swéep まっ黒な,汚らしい.
        black:    1black n. (1) 黒色; 黒人; 黒服. 【動詞+】 hit the black (ビリヤードで)黒球を突く talk black into white 黒を白と言いくるめる wear black 黒衣をまとう; 喪服を着ける Nowadays people don't often wear black for mourning.
        in black:    {1} : 黒字{くろじ}で -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 黒い服を着て、喪服を着て He was dressed all in black. You do look wonderful in black.
        in the black:    黒字で、利益があって、もうかって The financial reports for ~ ends in the black. ~が黒字決算となる。/~の決算報告が黒字になる。
        stallion brought close to a mare to test her readiness to mate:    stallion brought close to a mare to test her readiness to mate 当て馬 あてうま
        jet black, coal black:    漆黒{しっこく}
        playing black then white then black:    《囲碁》先相先{せんあいせん}
        (black) panther:    (black) panther 黒豹 くろひょう
        acetylene black:    アセチレン?ブラック
        african black:    〈米俗〉アフリカ産マリファナの一品種
        aged black:    エイジド?ブラック
        aniline black:    アニリン?ブラック


  1. "black spotted" 意味
  2. "black spotted boxfish" 意味
  3. "black spring" 意味
  4. "black square" 意味
  5. "black squirrel" 意味
  6. "black stamp pad" 意味
  7. "black start" 意味
  8. "black steel" 意味
  9. "black stem" 意味
  10. "black square" 意味
  11. "black squirrel" 意味
  12. "black stamp pad" 意味
  13. "black start" 意味

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